Monday, June 30, 2014

J is for Just June

I was going to wow you with amazing things, but honestly, it has been Just another June!  Fun things, yes, but mostly just everyday life.

Sewing and school for Ashton

School and drama classes for Riley

Two weeks of a Drama 3 class with Ellie!

Two weeks at "grandparent camp" for Salem

And life with a busy, newly-turned 7 year old who learned to rock climb!

We did get to go up towards Minneapolis to a Dinner Theatre and see The Little Mermaid and took a sweet friend along.  So much fun.  

Oh, and my mom came to visit for am entire week and we did not take one picture other than at the Dinner Theater.  Typical!

And we are continuing on with our summer school schedule.

Veritas Press Self paced History

I was afraid the kids would be bored this summer.  Ha!  No time!
What are you doing at your house this summer?




  1. School is not out here until July 20. I don't feel like summer has arrived. We are going camping and maybe a trip to Scotland.

    1. Wow, Beth, that is a late ending! And Scotland?!?! Oh, my heart be still! Have a great trip and we will try not to be jealous!

  2. Sounds like you all have kept busy! :) It's been hectic around here so I hope the next few weeks slow down a little (ha who am I kidding!)


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